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It’s that time of year again! As the wedding season calms I shift focus to my business and figure out what I want for 2019. But I believe the most valuable resource for planning ahead is looking back. And boy, 2018 was quite a year! Most notably, my family and I moved from Connecticut to […]

2018 Year In Review

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Every season I get a handful of inquiries about essentially copying a design a potential client has seen somewhere else. It’s not an uncommon occurrence in my line of work, but it brings up a broader issue that plagues us all as creative professionals. Where is the line between inspiration + copy? We now live in the […]

Inspiration or Copy?

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Father’s Day is just around the corner. So even though it’s supposed to be all about my Dad on Sunday, I can’t help but think about how he’s influenced me. I absolutely get my creative intuitions from my Mom, but as I’ve mentioned time and time again on this blog, having your own creative business […]

What’s Inspring Me: My Father

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Today I’m sharing advice for vendors at bridal expos. When I googled “advice for vendors at expos” I came up with diddly squat, so hopefully this post will help others!Bridal expos get a really bad rap. Many are held in football stadium-sized venues where ultimately the brides are just looking for free stuff. There, I said […]

The Curious Case of the Bridal Expo

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