Setting Goals


The biggest challenge with starting this business is that on any given day, there about 1,000 things I could and should be doing. When you own your own business, you’re wearing many hats. This truth coupled with my serious right-brain tendencies can make me feel like I’m on an endless uphill battle. (I’ll refrain from quoting “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus right now, even though it’s a really moving song.) So how do we allow ourselves to feel accomplished when the to-do list has no end? The answer: daily goals. I recently read a post on Everything Etsy about daily goals, and it was a great wake-up call. Now every night when I finish my work, I write on my chalkboard my goals for the following day. Since there’s no shortage of motivation on my end, but perhaps one of singular focus, this forces me to stick with a plan. File this under the small business lesson of  doing something every day, from this recent post on the blog.Here’s a little visual for you of a recent daily goals list. (Bonus: you get a small preview of my home office redesign. Full unveiling on the blog to come!) There is something truly satisfying about physically crossing items off a list.

I welcome you to try this in your life if you’re looking for some structure and satisfaction!

  1. Oh, I am such a list maker! I love seeing them all crossed off and it reminds me of all that I’ve accomplished that day. Love your chalkboard!~Kim

  2. Annie says:

    So true, Sandy! Nothing better than crossing off items on a “to do” list. Plus, I’m so honored to be mentioned on your chalkboard! The birth announcements and stationery you made for me are FANTASTIC, I can’t thank you enough!

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