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Well, friends, we are less than a week away from Christmas, and the frenetic energy of shopping, wrapping, giving, and party planning is palpable! But I can feel myself starting to slow down and sink into what the holiday season is really about: intimate, quality time with family + friends. So it seems the perfect […]

Maxwell House Winter Wedding Inspiration | Featured on every last detail

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The holiday season is an interesting time for a stationery designer. As I explain to other wedding vendors, imagine if all your clients had the same wedding date – pretty intense! But fortunately this year I was not drowning in orders, and got to work with mostly just friends, family + special vendors on their […]

2013 Holiday Card Roundup

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Merry Christmas Eve! Now that the big holiday is here, I wanted to share all the custom-designed holiday cards I did this year. I was blessed this season with lots of orders and wonderful clients.I was reminded of one of the great benefits of sending out holiday cards at my husband’s office party last week. I […]

Roseville Designs Holiday Card Round-up

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I can’t believe Christmas is almost here! In celebration of Santa’s favorite holiday drink, I thought I’d dedicate the next “Packaged Good” installment to all things milk! Check out some seriously cool branding below. My personal favorite is the last one, which features a childhood confession on every carton. How playful and clever! From top […]

Packaged Good: Milk

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I’ve been an Etsy buyer for a long time, but now that I am also a seller I have a stronger appreciation for all it is and does. Everyone can get behind the idea of supporting small business. On Etsy, you can find the most incredible gifts (often for the same or less than you’d […]

My Etsy Holiday Gift Guide

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