Welcome to the Blog!

As a new mom, what I’m finding incredibly challenging is accepting unfinished business. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I want to tackle everything right now. Now that I am home full time it seems one thing crossed off the to-do list leads to five more added. I’ll clean out my inbox and see […]

Three Things

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My Goodreads updates have probably been a bit boring for my followers! The reason is that nowadays much of my reading time is devoted to blogs. Every day I go to my RSS feeder app on my iPhone and catch up on all the ones I follow. Blogs are a fantastic (not to mention free) resource […]

My Favorite Blogs

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The biggest challenge with starting this business is that on any given day, there about 1,000 things I could and should be doing. When you own your own business, you’re wearing many hats. This truth coupled with my serious right-brain tendencies can make me feel like I’m on an endless uphill battle. (I’ll refrain from […]

Setting Goals

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The Roseville Designs Blog has moved! It’s gotten a bit fancier, too.It is now located at the very official rosevilledesigns.com. Come check out my new look here! This is the result of my venture into web design, and needless to say it’s a bit daunting. Thankfully I’ve found some great resources for advice and support, […]

Shortcode and Plugins and Scripts, Oh My!

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