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Every season I get a handful of inquiries about essentially copying a design a potential client has seen somewhere else. It’s not an uncommon occurrence in my line of work, but it brings up a broader issue that plagues us all as creative professionals. Where is the line between inspiration + copy? We now live in the […]

Inspiration or Copy?

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I’m working on a Newport wedding, and have fallen in love with the pink + navy color scheme. Whether you go for magenta or soft pink, there is something just so darn pretty about this color combo. It reads preppy + nautical, and is lovely set against a sandy beach or a tented country club lawn. Credit: […]

Pink + Navy Wedding Inspiration

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Lately I’ve been working on a lot of branding projects. I really love logo design and creating a look + feel for a business. I always give my clients instructions on how to get inspired, because often times they’re inclined to put the cart before the horse. They want to get the website running and the business cards […]

Sometimes it Just Takes One Image….

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Pantone has declared the color of the year as emerald (more specifically, color #17-5641). For those of you who don’t know, Pantone is the leading standard in color matching. This system has been adopted by graphic designers and printers to allow for exact color matching, and is a great source for color inspiration! No doubt […]

What’s Inspiring Me: Emerald

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It’s hard to believe it’s the last day of 2012. So many people are figuring out their new year’s resolution and thinking ahead to what’s in store for 2013. This is common practice, but we often forget to reflect back on the year we’ve had. One of my favorite blogs, Making Things Happen, had a […]

2012 in Review

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I can’t believe Christmas is almost here! In celebration of Santa’s favorite holiday drink, I thought I’d dedicate the next “Packaged Good” installment to all things milk! Check out some seriously cool branding below. My personal favorite is the last one, which features a childhood confession on every carton. How playful and clever! From top […]

Packaged Good: Milk

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Anyone who knows me (and my annoying yet lovable tendency to correct people’s grammar) knows I’m not one for sentences that end in prepositions. However, I’ve decided to make an exception for this post.The “Keep Calm and Carry On” movement is one that spread like wildfire. It reminds us that simple can be powerful. It […]

Keep Calm and Carry On

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