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Today I’m sharing advice for vendors at bridal expos. When I googled “advice for vendors at expos” I came up with diddly squat, so hopefully this post will help others!Bridal expos get a really bad rap. Many are held in football stadium-sized venues where ultimately the brides are just looking for free stuff. There, I said […]

The Curious Case of the Bridal Expo

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Nautical weddings in New England have been on the brain, as I’ve had a slew of clients lately who are getting married at yacht clubs. Many of them at our consultations when describing their wedding have said, “it’s nautical…but we’re not really boat people”. I can’t help but think of the beginning scene of “Wedding […]

Gettin’ Nautical….

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A while back, I mailed out cards spreading the word about Roseville Designs. I sent them to a bunch of local vendors in the area and  included a hand-written note in each one. One of the best responses I got was from sweet Amy from Amy Champagne Events, and our meeting led to her asking […]

Introducing the Wedding Loft of Connecticut

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As promised, here is the first installment of my “Invitation Details” series, which was introduced when guest blogging for my girl Brooke (from Brooke Allison Photo). Today I’m starting off with one of my favorites: envelope liners! It’s kind of become my signature thing, and clients are constantly asking for them this season. It is a […]

Invitation Details: Envelope Liners

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Washi tape has been all the rage for a while now. You can find it in just about every pattern and color, and though it may seem like a fad there’s no denying it’s a versatile design and crafting tool! For this week’s post I’ve put together a collection of seriously cool ways to use […]

What’s Inspiring Me: Washi Tape

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In case you missed it, Friday I had the pleasure of being featured on Brooke Allison Photo’s blog.There are some friends you meet and instantly it feels like you’ve known them for years. Brooke is exactly that to me (not to mention she is an incredibly talented photographer), so I feel very lucky I got […]

Featured Post on Brooke Allison Photo

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Oh, pricing, you saucy minx. You are the thing we cannot avoid, and that which we can never seem to fully tackle. You make even the most confident creative business owner anxiously question their tactics and plans. One of the lessons I’ve learned (which I highlighted in this earlier post) was that to be a successful creative entrepreneur, you […]

The Truth about Pricing

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Michelle Edgemont (a fabulous wedding planner in NYC) recently said in article that “running a business means constantly living in the space between jubilation and terror”. This really hit home for me. Most days having this business feels like Christmas morning. I wake up and the first thing I do is check my email. Sometimes […]

Having it All

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Tomorrow may be Valentine’s Day, but let’s not forget before you had that special someone, you had your girlfriends. They’ve been there through it all, and at your wedding it’s important to show them some love! So I’ve put together some cute gift ideas for your gals. These are great ways to thank them for […]

All Hail The Bridesmaid!

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 Valentine’s Day is next Thursday, and many of us drive to CVS at the last minute in hopes of finding a card with a message that at least somewhat captures our feelings about our wife, boyfriend, grandmother, daughter, etc. But wouldn’t it be better if the card were truly personalized for that special someone?Well, today’s your lucky day, as […]

Valentine’s Day – Free Printable Card

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