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Lately I’ve been working on a lot of branding projects. I really love logo design and creating a look + feel for a business. I always give my clients instructions on how to get inspired, because often times they’re inclined to put the cart before the horse. They want to get the website running and the business cards […]

Sometimes it Just Takes One Image….

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I hope everyone had a lovely Mother’s Day! In honor of this occasion, I’m taking the opportunity to dedicate this week’s post to my Mom.I definitely get my artistic chops from my Momma. She was crafting + creating before the term “DIY” even existed, and whatever project I came home with from school we always […]

What’s Inspiring Me: My Mother

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For this week’s post I thought I’d share an old project of mine from art school. We were asked to do a study of pebbles, and find the most creative way possible to illustrate them. As always, an idea starts with thumbnails of sketches. You play around with different layout options: I took a break from active […]

Pebble Study & The Art of Brainstorming

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