Welcome to the Blog!

Today is my first anniversary with my husband, and we are in Napa & Sonoma all this week to celebrate. It seems fitting, almost propitious, that with my new business the first year is paper. Blog posts of our west coast adventures are sure to come, but for now I’m taking a sentimental route with this entry.What […]

Momentous Occasions

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Today is the first installment of my series, “Packaged Good”. (It’s a play on words, so need to question my English language skills!)Every so often, I’ll be posting images of well-branded packaged goods. It’s a reminder that art is everywhere, and that a good design really can influence our purchase decisions. I think we can all […]

Packaged Good: O-Live & Co.

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Oh, fall, how I love thee. All that hot and muggy summer weather is gone and crisp autumn air takes its place. With new weather come new fashion trends, and I’ve been seeing details that are sweet as apple pie. Peplum, peter pan collars, plaids; it all adds up to a seriously preppy moment this […]

Sweet Fall Fashion Trends

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The Roseville Designs Blog has moved! It’s gotten a bit fancier, too.It is now located at the very official rosevilledesigns.com. Come check out my new look here! This is the result of my venture into web design, and needless to say it’s a bit daunting. Thankfully I’ve found some great resources for advice and support, […]

Shortcode and Plugins and Scripts, Oh My!

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Anyone who knows me (and my annoying yet lovable tendency to correct people’s grammar) knows I’m not one for sentences that end in prepositions. However, I’ve decided to make an exception for this post.The “Keep Calm and Carry On” movement is one that spread like wildfire. It reminds us that simple can be powerful. It […]

Keep Calm and Carry On

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When Shakespeare wrote this famous line in Romeo & Juliet, he was saying that the names of things do not matter, only what things are. Though this is valid argument when it comes to forbidden love, it doesn’t work so much when branding your business.Here are a couple tips I want to share for those […]

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

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Is there any worse feeling than when you realize you’ve made a mistake? When we’re young, we’re taught to own up to our mistakes, that “honesty is the best policy”. When we become adults with jobs, we immediately go into crisis mode: Am I 100% sure this is my error? What mitigating circumstances can I […]


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This past Sunday my husband and I had our niece’s Christening. I wore two important hats that day: Godmother & event planner. My sister-in-law asked me to design the invitations and other goodies for Abigail’s big day and I’m excited to share it all with you! She wanted something “girly” in pinks and greens, and I […]

Abigail’s Christening

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I love gold; it is such a versatile and commanding color. It can be funky, playful, fancy, refined…it all depends on how you use it. Lately I’ve been thinking about using it for a paper design. There are some great Pantone metallic color options that will give you that dynamic color and texture. But if […]

What’s Inspiring Me: Gold

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I hold a reputation in my family as the “best gift giver”. So when it came to my Father’s birthday earlier this year, I had some great ideas for defending my title. My Dad is the guys who already has what he needs, so he is always my biggest challenge. I took to designing him some […]

DIY Coasters

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